A little weight training may go a long way toward helping improve the heart health of black men, new research suggests. Just six weeks of resistance exercise appears to have a positive impact on the blood levels of key indicators for inflammation, immune response and/or artery shape among black men. Such indicators, or “markers,” are known to rise in conjunction with tissue damage, infection and stress. But after weight training, levels of two of the markers dropped in these patients.
If you are venturing into the gym after a long hiatus, here are a few simple tips to help your return to activity be a safe and injury-free one.
1. Have a goal and a plan.
2. Remember to start slow and expect soreness, not pain.
3. In the first two weeks back to the gym, walk away from the table hungry. That means to leave the workout knowing you could have done more, but don’t utterly exhaust yourself.
4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day
5. Give yourself a few minutes a day to perform some light stretching.
Initially, your muscles and tendons will stiffen in the early weeks of exercise, but with time you will become more flexible.
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